
Revitalise your hardworking hands with our iconic Kiwi brand.

Crafted with care and dedication, our Gardeners range is renowned for its exceptional quality and has earned its place as an iconic Kiwi brand. Our commitment to nourishing and repairing "hardworking hands" is unwavering, making us a trusted choice for those who value the art of hard work.

Central to our range is the pure Manuka Oil, sourced from the pristine Great Barrier Island. This remarkable ingredient is celebrated for its potent antibacterial and healing properties. We have also carefully blended Manuka Honey, Olive Oil and Macadamia Oil to provide your skin with nourishment and the soothing care it deserves.

For hands that have weathered the storm and need revitalisation, we invite you to reward your skin with our unique products.

Made by Gardeners ... for Gardeners since 1988.

Utilising unique ingredients to nourish and repair we have combined some fresh citrus essential oils in the way of Lemongrass, Orange, and Rosemary to offer a refreshing and uplifting unisex fragrance.

“New Zealand’s No 1 Gardeners Range”.

The first batch of hand cream was created in the family kitchen back in 1988.

Our desire was to create a range which assisted to nourish and repair “hard working hands”.

A unique formulation was created utilising New Zealand Manuka Oil & Honey along with a selection of other local natural ingredients.  Now 35 years on this range has become an “iconic Kiwi brand” that has gained an incredible reputation in New Zealand and gradually internationally. If you have hard working hands in need of repair, we suggest you reward your skin with these unique products.

Manuka Oil (NZ Tea Tree Oil) (Leptospermum Scoparium Oil)

The New Zealand Manuka Tree grows naturally in the wild in many remote locations. It provides a key source for bees to produce Manuka Honey, but its green leaves also provide contain a unique oil which also provides a wealth of natural benefits including being anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and assists healing of the skin.

Our source of pure Manuka Oil  is on  Great Barrier Island, where on a remote farm by the sea our friend Sven grows , harvests and steam distils the most pure Manuka Oil.

New Zealand Manuka Oil is actually proven to be 30% stronger than Australian Tea Tree Oil on common skin bacteria making it very appropriate for this particular range of products.

The key compounds for providing such a high level of anti-microbial activity have been identified as the “triketones” which are present in active Manuka Oil.

Harvesting (a good kiwi story)
The harvest can take place almost all year round as it’s the actual leaves which contain the oil.

However access by tractor to the Manuka Trees in this remote location is better suited to summer when the ground is drier, and we can get the tractor up to the top of the hill!! A ride sitting on the back of the tractor is quite an experience, but the view is worth it.

The process involves removing a large stainless steel mesh pot from the distillery and placing it on the back of the tractor. Once at our harvest location we will lightly trim (prune) the tops of the Manuka trees (30cm) and place this foliage in the large pot and compact down. The pots hold approx. 360kg of foliage. Once the pot is full, we then head off back down the hill to the distillery. It here the pot is hoisted off the tractor and lowered into the main chamber (pot). Water from the crystal-clear stream which flows next to the distillery is added and then the lid is closed and clamped tight and ready to be heated up.

Due to having no mains (grid) electrical power on Great Barrier Island people must rely mainly on solar or in some cases generators. To create the heat required for the Distillery, Sven re uses a combination of old used oils from cars and kitchens which we call “Barrier Biofuel”! This is a unique and clean burning process which allows the “still” to heat up to approx. 100 degrees which takes approx. 2.5 hours.

The temperature then rises inside the still generating a lot of hot steam. It is this “steam distillation” which then makes the manuka leaves start to release (sweat) their natural green oil.
The oil is vaporised and rises up with the steam and into a part known as the “condenser” This cools the steam down to a liquid (distillate) form. This then flows into an “oil separator” where the oil and water is to be separated

The next stage is called “taking off” the oil. Inside the Still the actual “oil” is now sitting on top of the water, so we must separate. As we turn the tap on, we draw off both water and oil into a large glass bottle.

Once filled it is clear to see the oil is sitting on top of the water where upon we then remove the pure manuka oil and we package fresh straight away.

From having put almost 360 kg of foliage into the pot we are then able to make approx. 1.5 litres of Manuka Oil.

For good reason we call this magical oil …liquid gold!

(Cymbopogon Citratus)

This wild growing herbaceous plant offers many valuable benefits for the skin.

Predominantly recognised for its antibacterial qualities to assist with minor skin infections and dermatitis it is also very valuable in stimulating cellular regeneration for new cell and skin growth and happens to be a natural insect repellent.

This unique plant also offers a unique and refreshing aroma to cleanse the soul.

(Rosemarinus Officinalus)

Renowned for assisting with dermatitis and eczema and happens to be a natural insect repellent.

An important ingredient to assist with repairing dry and damaged skin.

Manuka Honey (Leptospermum Scoparium Mel)
Collected from native Manuka trees on Great Barrier Island, Manuka honey has unique antibacterial properties combined with the ability to be able to soothe and heal dry and damaged skin making this a very important ingredient for the Earths Botanics.

Peeling lemons all day has taken its toll on my hands over the last year, so when I discovered your product in a gift shop in Martinborough while visiting my sister-in-law, I was keen to try it. All I can say it’s fantastic!!! I was a firm believer in the Gardeners hand cream that I was using in Australia but believe your product is better
Brownwyn NZ

I was given Gardeners refreshing herbal hand wash at Christmas, and I just loved it!  Could you please let me know whereabouts in New Zealand is just delightful.
Anne NZ

I am from the USA and every time I am in NZ (Auckland) I purchase the Gardener’s Hand & Body Lotion and Body Scrub. It there anywhere in the USA where I can purchase it 
I just love the fresh smell and it keeps my skin glowing.

Mary USA

I would like to know how I can purchase more of Earths Organics, Gardeners Nourishing Hand & Body Cream in a tube. It is a great product and would love to buy more the tube I have was given to me as a gift.
Jo , Australia

I was given some Earths Botanic Gardeners hand cream. This must be the best product I have used. Unfortunately, I have almost finished the tube and am desperate to know if you have an outlet in Brisbane Queensland.
Thank you for such a wonderful product.

Helen Australia